Assessing Job-Hopping Attitudes From Chat Interview

Significant costs are borne by an organisation every time an employee voluntarily leaves. Imagine you could uncover this insight before you hired.

PredictiveHire has found a relationship between the language people use and their attitudes towards job-hopping.

If a simple automated chat interview can infer a candidate's likelihood of job-hopping, it presents significant opportunities, especially when assessing candidates with no prior work history.

This work shows that the language one uses when responding to interview questions related to situational judgment and past behaviour is predictive of their likelihood to job hop. This paper explores:

  • Research around self initiated job hopping
  • Correlation between language and job hopping likelihood
  • NLP methods that can be used to represent language

Find out how you can identify job-hopping attitudes before you hire.  

PredictiveHire | Job-hopping likelihood